The conference venue will be The Benson Hotel in Portland, Oregon.
Address: 309 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205, United States
We strongly recommend that participants book rooms at the Benson, and not at other hotels in Portland, since registered attendees will have breakfast and lunch included at the hotel as well as a welcome reception and a banquet.
Please let us know as well if you have any dietary requirements.
Hotel reservations
Hotel reservations at preferred rate of $189/night (without taxes) are possible at this booking link.
Deadline of preferred rate: August 4th.
If the hotel booking link indicates that the preferred rate of $189 is no longer available, please let us know immediately by sending email to, and we will ask the hotel staff to add more rooms.
Car parking
If you will stay at the Benson and rent a car or drive your own, you can use the hotel valet parking for $49/day. You can also use the parking garage across the street from the hotel, for $25/day.