Welcome to the web site of the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, on September 4-6, 2023.

Computer arithmetic has always been at the core of the digital age, and is currently driving innovation in domains such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, signal processing, and security. Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the flagship conference for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer arithmetic. ARITH 2023 is the latest in this series, and we invite you to participate.
See the archives page for more information on previous symposia.
As for ARITH 2022, prospective authors are invited to submit their work either as a conference paper, or as a journal paper for a special issue or IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC) to be published tentatively at the conference dates. See the call for papers page for conference paper submission and the TETC call for papers for journal paper submission.
Contact: arith2023@arithsymposium.org
Keynote Speakers and Industrial Panel
This year we are delighted to announce two keynotes on the topic of Formal Verification and Arithmetic by
- Dr John Harrison, Automated Reasoning Group, Amazon Web Services
- Dr Pallab Dasgupta, Head of Research and Innovation, Formal Verification, Synopsys
The conference will conclude by an industrial panel on the topics of the future of computer arithmetic formats and dedicated accelerators.
See the dedicated page for more information.
Important Dates
IEEE TETC Special Section
Submission instructions now available in the Special Section's CFP
Submission deadline | |
Authors notification (first review) | |
Submission of Minor revisions | |
Notification of Final acceptance | |
Publication materials due | |
Conference Papers
Submission instructions now available in the "Call for Papers" page
Abstract submission deadline | |
Conference paper submission deadline | |
Reviews completed and Authors notified | |
Camera ready and copyright due | |
Camera ready and copyright due deadline is August 14, 2023, see the Call for Papers page for more information.
The conference will take place at the The Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
See the Venue page for details and hotel reservation.
The registration link is now available.
Please send email to registration+arith@computer.org if you need any registration assistance. For questions regarding author submissions, please contact arith2023@arithsymposium.org.